預告預告!棟樑即將於2009/11/29,既是棟樑的生日當天啓動在中國內地的唯一獨家博客BLOG,希望借此能跟更多的中國內地的朋友交流!到時請大家有空也到以下的博客網址去逛逛咯!~ 4i)Q2{3P7@+Q)b&n /K6G"F*H2e,q0X$W http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner 7_(m8g%a+X"@:H)| 官網的支持者也不要著急,我們會保留官網,這裡還是棟樑發佈確實消息和最新網誌的平台,也會盡全力維護官網的VIP,開博客是希望多一個交流站讓更多的歌迷朋友互相交流和支持棟樑!面子書也是為了多一些海外和亞洲以外的朋友認識張棟樑!各有意思和主要目的! 張棟樑香港歌迷會)A!t+K"g;y&n7j${ f 謝謝大家一直以來的支持! *E&J#R7F)] 4l3v$b*i6k9Q6V 華納經紀部 .o#[;j:w)?/t6y!d*A 2009/11/25 .e O!i!i2M [ Pre-Announcement! We're going to launch Nicholas free BLOG at http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner started on 29 Nov 09 - Nicholas' Birth Day. Let's go visit and give supports to him ya! www.onlynicholas.com.hk:H3f;s$x;x3^ We'll try our best to maintain all benefits for www.onlynicholas.com VIP members and fans here. Official website still being the priority and Only website for all official announcements and Nic's dairies. Face book fans page and Blog are only the other way for all fans get together! No worries at all. Thanks for supporting always. Warner Music Management. x&r*\7u8`0i.R9c%o 張棟樑香港歌迷會 d${!R"o#S0T*O*X
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