WOO....又有投票囉,這次是<年度百首單曲票選>!!! 快快快讓音樂小教父方大同、華納一個蕭敬騰、 天后蔡依林、全能小天后郭采潔、微笑王子 張棟樑,大家快把這投票的訊息用力的散出去吧~~~!!! 讓我們喜愛的歌曲傳遍大街小巷!! ^^/
WOO....又有投票囉,這次是<年度百首單曲票選>!!! 快快快讓音樂小教父方大同、華納一個蕭敬騰、 天后蔡依林、全能小天后郭采潔、微笑王子 張棟樑,大家快把這投票的訊息用力的散出去吧~~~!!! 讓我們喜愛的歌曲傳遍大街小巷!! ^^/
From: Nicholas Teo HK Fans Club
吉隆坡29日訊-張棟樑11月29日生日,在“休息”一段時間後, 終於“露臉”跟他的歌迷朋友們說聲謝謝大家的祝福。生日當天凌晨一過,棟樑就趕緊在其官方網站Po上網誌,並附上照片讓疼愛他的歌迷都知道他很好,也收到 大家給予的生日祝福,他會好好照顧自己的健康,並希望盡快跟大家見面。 1g9i;u!`"p)a-E$P
Halo,大家好啊!休息的這段時間過得太“低調”了,哈哈!但是覺得今天無論如何還是應該上來寫一些字! "T9r)M!n2B.X3X9P*I/b
11月29號,我的生日。這樣又一年了。好快!哈哈!尤其今年好像發生特別多事情,讓我更加珍惜自己所擁有的一切。所以,2009年,我相信自己是被祝福的,我也絕對感恩! 張棟樑香港歌迷會7F*\2K2]5Q*@'?
祝所有11月生日的朋友,生日快樂。 Happy Birthday To Us. 要快樂喔!
棟樑 29/11/2009
www.onlynicholas.com.hk%?1e&[-f(P:g%n O
Freedom Writers is inspired by a true story and the diaries of real Long Beach teenagers after the LA riots, during the worst outbreak of interracial gang warfare. Two-time Academy Award© winner Hilary Swank stars as Erin Gruwell, whose passion to become a teacher is soon challenged by a group of Black, Latino, and Asian gangbangers who hate her even more than each other. When Erin begins to listen to them in a way no adult has ever done, she begins to understand that for these kids, getting through the day alive is enough -- they are not delinquents but teenagers fighting "a war of the streets" that began long before they were born. Erin gives them something they never had from a teacher before -- respect. For the first time, these teens experience a hope that maybe, they might show the world that their lives matter and they have something to say.
Cast: Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey, Scott Glenn
From: empire movies
I just want to share it to everyone! We watched Freedom Writers today in our Persef 2 class and it was really a great movie...
哈咯!新浪网的网友大家好啊!很开心终于可以在中国内地开我的独家博客,这个平台能让我们有更多的交流! 选在这样一个特别的日子就更有意思了!哈哈!我之后会常在这跟大家分享一些特别、有趣的事情。 www.onlynicholas.com.hk$H+D*a A2b 希望大家有空要多常来我家“坐坐”! 哈哈!就当是大家送我的生日礼物啦! 祝所有11月份生日的朋友:生日快乐!Happy Birthday~ 0t;r7c6K S7|9W 張棟樑香港歌迷會+p,w+@'U9I0|8t.b%_5U 栋梁 2009/11/29
www.onlynicholas.com.hk)~/E8t0{!P2X-Q 張棟樑香港歌迷會9B4u8X)u(D)q7` *x3m(S ~-a4C4L5a “一個一歲,那我有多大?哈哈!”www.onlynicholas.com.hk7q"S2e4{7M8K 張棟樑香港歌迷會;q7u'Y,p5H3S
5b0l7k0c5m/I ;M8w-C:r3I FROM:Nicholas_博客:Q!S8w#D$Z6w$c)c
華語之聲11.29日16點棟樑生日祝福節目若塵邀請大家/h1y,?8y&N4R3J2@4Y 節目名稱:音色迷漫-張棟樑生日特輯 i+@7?'e$_+f A&a'p3e $w9t0a1N9B 節目時間:2009年11月29日下午 4:00-5:00 !f3x*r7_&i/],[+C 主持若塵: QQ 68596274 Q群 60585727 5V4N:w+}0a(K)v "S!?0l'h*^:G5O 收聽地址:www.hy960.com 全球網路直播,上網就能聽 ;u;}$E8y/{ 小紙條互動:首頁一扔即可~ )k/t"T8i5j8Y 徵集內容: 祝福棟樑的生日賀文 各地各團或個人對棟樑生日祝福的音頻話語 MP3格式,30秒內 www.onlynicholas.com.hk3H(r#N8c7l P/R8i:|7z !h5F"k7u L4D:X 發送至 djruochen@foxmail.com 歡迎多多發來哦~+Z4?4r.]%i*o8P&D %X'f"i-k1T;{3? 轉自: 百度吧飄若塵3` Z&?/A(W&_'K7?)A
預告預告!棟樑即將於2009/11/29,既是棟樑的生日當天啓動在中國內地的唯一獨家博客BLOG,希望借此能跟更多的中國內地的朋友交流!到時請大家有空也到以下的博客網址去逛逛咯!~ 4i)Q2{3P7@+Q)b&n /K6G"F*H2e,q0X$W http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner 7_(m8g%a+X"@:H)| 官網的支持者也不要著急,我們會保留官網,這裡還是棟樑發佈確實消息和最新網誌的平台,也會盡全力維護官網的VIP,開博客是希望多一個交流站讓更多的歌迷朋友互相交流和支持棟樑!面子書也是為了多一些海外和亞洲以外的朋友認識張棟樑!各有意思和主要目的! 張棟樑香港歌迷會)A!t+K"g;y&n7j${ f 謝謝大家一直以來的支持! *E&J#R7F)] 4l3v$b*i6k9Q6V 華納經紀部 .o#[;j:w)?/t6y!d*A 2009/11/25 .e O!i!i2M [ Pre-Announcement! We're going to launch Nicholas free BLOG at http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner started on 29 Nov 09 - Nicholas' Birth Day. Let's go visit and give supports to him ya! www.onlynicholas.com.hk:H3f;s$x;x3^ We'll try our best to maintain all benefits for www.onlynicholas.com VIP members and fans here. Official website still being the priority and Only website for all official announcements and Nic's dairies. Face book fans page and Blog are only the other way for all fans get together! No worries at all. Thanks for supporting always. Warner Music Management. x&r*\7u8`0i.R9c%o 張棟樑香港歌迷會 d${!R"o#S0T*O*X
轉載:官網www.onlynicholas.com.hk,z N8s1J-A'M+S2w$b,\*v
I have never been to Manila Zoo for a long time already ... As I have remembered before, Manila Zoo is really different now. I think that there are
lesser animals now compare to before ...
The only elephant found in Manila Zoo called Mali..
Nicholas Teo in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur ;?*v&p7m:^(S This movie cast many Malaysia’s best known Taiwan based artistes and I am looking forward to the release of the movie.4_%h!L"t%O/r6k+f ;}$I+G3]7M&~ FROM : CK XXXX BLOGwww.onlynicholas.com.hk8h#X0D$i&j3T
During one of my shopping trip in Bukit Bintang, I saw Nicholas Teo (張棟樑) while he was shooting the new movie, Ice Kacang Puppy Love. I am happy seeing him at such a near distance.
WooooHHH!!! 50 years na UNO!!! Congrats ... Since Morning I am already at Uno to watch the program ... Unfortunately, we miss the dragon dance that is supposedly the highlight ... haha After how many months, Gloria, Evelyn, Jenny, and I meet again ... After the program, we went to the fair and buy some drinks ... We waited for the concert which will start at 5:30... The time that we waited is longer than we watched the concert ... haha The First Band that performed was Deus Ex Machina which consists of all Uno alumni... Our Batchmate Jayson is also part of the band --- he is the drummer!!! The nest 3 bands are Sponge Cola, Hale, and Calla Lily.. Unfortunately, we did not watch all the bands .. We just saw Sponge Cola perform ... Because it is already late...